Sudeep Sen
My typewriter is multilingual,
its keys mysteriously calibrating
My bipolar, forked tongue.
Black-red silk ribbon spools, unwind
as the carriage moves right to left.
In cursive hand, I write from left to right.
My tongue was born promiscuous -
speaking in many languages.
My heart spoke another, my head
yet another - the translation, seamless.
Auricles, ventricles pump blood -
corpuscle-like alphabets, phrases, syntax
cross-fertilize my text, breathing life.
Texture enriched - music, cadence
spatially enhanced - osmotic, polyglottal - a polygamy of grammar.
Letterforms dance, ligatures pirouette -
ascenders, descenders - pitch perfect.
Imagination isn't caged in speech -
speech cannot be caged in language.