অরিত্র, আপনি যে লেখাটির কথা বলেছেন, সেটি ১৯৮২ তে ভারতীয় জনতা পারটির সঙ্গে ইজরায়েলের সখ্যতার। কথা লিখেছে, তার আট বছর আগে, ১৯৭৪ এ, ভারত-ইজরায়েল সম্পরকে লিখতে গিয়ে নিউ ইযরক টাইমসে বারনারড ওয়াইনরব লিখেছিল,"Indians sympathetic to Israel are annoyed that the country is virtually at the bottom of the diplomatic list and that the Israelis in Bombay are quietly barred from official visits to New Delhi. A common complaint is that even South Vietnam, whose relations with India are strained, has a consul general—a higher rank than consul—in India and that he is based in New Delhi.
The four‐member Israeli consular staff in Bombay publishes a bimonthly magazine that is sent to newspaper offices. The consulate answers a steady flow of letters, mostly asking about Israel's agriculture and economic development. The Indian press sometimes publishes proIsraeli letters, but Supporters of Israel complain of a proArab bias.
India's long‐time support of the Arabs is partly a result of a long‐standing policy, spurred by Mrs. Gandhi's father, the late Jawaharlal
DO NOT FORGET THE NEEDIEST! Nehru, the first Prime Minister. The presence of 60 million Moslems in India is one element in this.
To India's disappointment, however, the Arab nations sided with Pakistan, a Moslem nation, in the 1965 and 1971 wars between India and Pakistan.
“What we have achieved by toeing the line of the Arabs and, incidentally, of the Russians, is not clear,” Prof. B. P. Adarkar, a former diplomat, wrote in Socialist Society, a small weekly, several months ago. “It has not added to our reputation of impartiality. Nor has it brought to us any material or political advantages or either temporary or permanent Importance.”
ভারত ইজরায়েল সম্পর্ক নিয়ে কপিল কোমিরেড্ডী বহুকাল আগে গার্ডিয়ানে একটি প্রবন্ধ লিখেছিলেন, তার শেষে তিনি লিখেছিলেন,
"The seeds of Israel's redemption are embedded in Zionism, which is concerned with housing people, not displacing them. Israel must merely embrace it. It will still be a paternalistic form of "pluralism", but it will be inclusive. On the other hand, Hindutva's very purpose is the disenfranchisement and abolition of religious minorities. So Israelis must wonder what has become of them, their nation, that their most fervid admirers in the most pro-Israeli country in the world happen to be fascists. Until Israel and India undertake an honest reappraisal of their friendship, those who care about the ideas of Herzl and Gandhi must acknowledge this much: theirs is an alliance deepened by prejudice."
শেষের সেনটেনসটি ২০১১ সালে যতটা প্রাসঙ্গিক ছিল, আজও ততটাই |